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 60.病危文吉又来 As his illness grows serious, Wen Chi returns 阅读:1530
 61.文吉为涤秽服 Wen Chi washing the Masters dirty clothes 阅读:1520
 62.文吉护法拜香 Wen Chi becoming the Masters Dharma Protector 阅读:1518
 63.减轻负荷倍速 Doubling his pace once his load is lightened 阅读:1418
 64.离相分手真离相 Saying good-bye at Li Hsiang: he truly leaves appearances behind 阅读:1429
 65.寻文吉月下拜香 Bowing along in the moonlight, he searches for Wen Chi 阅读:1415
 66.拒绝与欢迎者 First being rejected and then being received 阅读:1453
 67.恭送十里惜别 Respectfully accompanying the Master for ten miles and then departing in sorrow 阅读:1518
 68.官人代送衣单 An official offering to take his bags 阅读:1395
 69.营长恭迎于白云 Being respectfully received by a major at Pai Yun 阅读:1468
 70.遍礼古迹名胜 Paying his respects to the ancient shrines 阅读:1517
 71.文殊化身文吉 Realising that Wen Chi is a transformation body of Manjushri Bodhisattva 阅读:1509
 72.始向东台拜香 Bowing to the East Peak of Wu Tai Mountain 阅读:1558
 73.再循四台遍拜 Traversing the Four Peaks, he pays his respects 阅读:1547
 74.五台山大佛会 Joining the Great Buddha Assembly on Wu Tai Mountain 阅读:1497
 75.大螺顶礼智慧灯 Paying his respects to the Wisdom Lamps on Ta Lo Mountain 阅读:1410
 76.礼谢文殊下山 Bowing in gratitude to Manjushri, then descending 阅读:1536
 77.至北岳朝名山 Visiting a famous mountain and going to the North Peak 阅读:1471
 78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan to pass the new year 阅读:1448
 79.长安礼诸祖塔 Paying reverence to the Patriarchs stupas in Chang An 阅读:1482

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