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69.营长恭迎于白云 Being respectfully received by a major at Pai Yun
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Being respectfully received by a major at Pai Yun

The Master continued bowing, and without further delay, arrived at Pai Yun Monastery in the middle of the fifth lunar month. The official who had taken his bag for him was an army officer. He cordially welcomed the Master and invited him to his headquarters. The Major treated him with great respect, and the Master rested there for three days. Upon his departure, the Major presented him with gifts and traveling money, but the Master politely refused them. The Major then sent an attendant to carry the Master's bag up the mountain. The Master continued bowing every three steps.

The verse says:
The Master was bowing every three steps from the start right through to the end.
He underwent the myriad sufferings as autumn turned to winter again.
After three full years he neared success; the fruit was ripe and full.
When the myriad practices are complete then all worlds are pervaded.

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上一篇:70.遍礼古迹名胜 Paying his respects to the ancient shrines
下一篇:68.官人代送衣单 An official offering to take his bags
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全文 标题
 初机净业指南 莲花化生[栏目:黄庆澜居士]



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