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61.文吉为涤秽服 Wen Chi washing the Masters dirty clothes
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Wen Chi washing the Master's dirty clothes

On the sixteenth, Wen Chi washed the Master's clothes which had become soiled through those many days of illness. After changing the Master's clothing, he gave him a cup of medicine to drink. By the seventeenth the Master's health started improving and he ate two bowls of yellow rice gruel. He felt light and rested after sweating profusely. He was completely recovered by the eighteenth, and wishing to thank Wen Chi, said, "You have twice saved me from serious illness. My gratitude to you is endless. Wen Chi replied, "This is a small matter."

The verse says:
Getting rid of the odorous filth, he wiped up the mundane dust.
Those of great wisdom appear as if foolish and quietly rescue people.
After taking the medicine the Master could eat a little yellow rice gruel.
His entire body profusely-he was soaked with a fine sweet dew.

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上一篇:62.文吉护法拜香 Wen Chi becoming the Masters Dharma Protector
下一篇:60.病危文吉又来 As his illness grows serious, Wen Chi returns
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