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73.再循四台遍拜 Traversing the Four Peaks, he pays his respects
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Traversing the Four Peaks, he pays his respects

The Master descended the mountain and paid his respects at Naranya Cave. It was the first day of the sixth lunar month and the provisions he had been carrying were now gone. He went to Hsien T'ung Monastery, and then on the second, he began to bow again, going to Avatamsaka Mountain, where he spent the night. On the third, he bowed up to the North Peak and spent the evening on the Central Peak. On the fourth, he bowed from there to the West Peak which is where he spent the night. He returned to Hsien T'ung Monastery on the fifth, and on the seventh, he bowed from there to the South Peak. There, he sat in meditation for seven days. His efforts once again evoked a response.

The verse says:
The Southern quarter is the division of Production of Jewels Buddha.
And the Eastern region's Buddha is Akshobhya Honored One.
In the West is Amitabha Buddha, the Lord of the Lotus Division. Accomplishment Buddha in the North rules there as Dharma king.

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上一篇:74.五台山大佛会 Joining the Great Buddha Assembly on Wu Tai Mountain
下一篇:72.始向东台拜香 Bowing to the East Peak of Wu Tai Mountain
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