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60.病危文吉又来 As his illness grows serious, Wen Chi returns
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As his illness grows serious, Wen Chi returns

By the fifteenth, the Master was gravely ill, but then he spied a man kindling a fire by the western wall of the ruins. He assumed it to be an outlaw, but upon closer scrutiny, he realized that Wen Chi the Beggar had come again. The Master, very happy to see him, called out, "Mr. Wen Chi! Mr. Wen Chi!"

Wen Chi held up a burning stick and said, "Master, what are you doing back up in here?" The Master related all he had gone through. Wen Chi sat at the Master's side, making him comfortable and had him drink a cup of water. The Master then felt pure in body and clear of mind.

The verse says:
The propitious man with heavenly traits did not speak empty words.
Gravely ill and waiting for death, the Master saw Layman Wen.
The torch of wisdom illumines and smashes the obstructions of thousands of lives,
As the Dharma water cleanses and rids one of a myriad aeons' confusion.

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上一篇:61.文吉为涤秽服 Wen Chi washing the Masters dirty clothes
下一篇:59.黄沙岭古庙重病 Becoming stricken with illness at an ancient temple on Huang Sha Ling Mountain
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