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72.始向东台拜香 Bowing to the East Peak of Wu Tai Mountain
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Bowing to the East Peak of Wu T'ai Mountain

On the twenty-second, the Master started bowing again and in two days reached the summit of East Peak. The moon was bright and the stars twinkled. He entered the room within the stone to offer up incense, bow, and recite Sutras and Mantras. He then sat in meditation for seven days. While bowing on the East Peak, the Master felt joyous and relaxed in body and mind. He had quite suddenly developed a compassionate and patient mind, and his already firm resolve became even more solid. He gained what he never had before: a response from having stilled his intellect. He had awakened to the original source that is miraculously still, bright, and subtle.

The verse says:
Off to the East is the Vajra division of Akshobhya Tathagata,
Where the ancient Green Dragon Buddha has his awesome Bodhimanda.
The Yaksha generals of the East fearlessly protect it,
While Medicine Master Who Destroys Calamities and Lengthens Life provides auspiciousness.

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上一篇:73.再循四台遍拜 Traversing the Four Peaks, he pays his respects
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