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 200.世界和平大法会 Hosting a Great Dharma Assembly for world peace 阅读:1465
 201.皈依供众名刹僧 Accepting a collective offering made by those taking refuge for the Sangha and for the p… 阅读:1439
 202.苏杭法会重重 Hosting Dharma Assemblies at Su Chou and Hang Chou one after another 阅读:1303
 203.参云岗石佛 Visiting the Stone Buddhas at Yun Kang 阅读:1275
 204.念祖公重建古刹 Mindful of the Patriarchs merit, reestablishing an ancient shrine 阅读:1426
 205.云居结茆而居 Staying in a shack on Yun Chu Mountain 阅读:1306
 206.示现病相卧吉祥 Becoming ill and assuming the auspicious resting posture 阅读:1482
 207.大般涅槃证无生 His Parinirvana: certification to non production 阅读:1297
 208.建大般若法会回向 A Great Prajna Dharma Assembly is established for dedication of merit 阅读:1387

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