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76.礼谢文殊下山 Bowing in gratitude to Manjushri, then descending
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Bowing in gratitude to Manjushri, then descending

After having paid his respects on each peak of Wu T'ai Mountain, the Master's vows were now complete. Joy filled his heart. On the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, on his way down the mountain, he again bowed in gratitude to Manjushri Bodhisattva and took formal leave. During his pilgrimage, the Master had seldom taken time to enjoy the scenery. But as he now walked north from Hua Yen (Flower Adornment) Peak, he turned to gaze at the enormous sanctuary of Ch'ing Liang (Cool and Clear, another name for Wu T'ai) Mountain. At that very moment, Manjushri Bodhisattva emitted rays of light which reflected, shimmering, off ten milleniums of snow piled on those cold, craggy peaks. How splendid!

The verse says:
Bowing in thanks to the Bodhisattva, he descended from Ch'ing Liang Mountain.
He gazed back up at the holy places - his steps a bit unsure.
Interlocking stone bridges are naturally quite miraculous.
The temples and halls which cling to their cliffs attest to the magnificence of creation.

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上一篇:77.至北岳朝名山 Visiting a famous mountain and going to the North Peak
下一篇:75.大螺顶礼智慧灯 Paying his respects to the Wisdom Lamps on Ta Lo Mountain
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