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71.文殊化身文吉 Realising that Wen Chi is a transformation body of Manjushri Bodhisattva
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Realising that Wen Chi is a transformation body of Manjushri Bodhisattva

The Master asked people whom he met where Wen Chi lived, but no one even knew who he was. Later, the Master met an elder Bhikshu who said, "According to what the Venerable Master has told me, this Wen Chi is a transformation body of Manjushri Bodhisattva." When the Master heard that, it was as if he suddenly awakened from a dream. Immediately he bowed to the Bodhisattva in sincere gratitude.

The verse says:
A transformation body of Manjushri: that's who the beggar Wen Chi was! They were together for three full months yet the Master failed to recognize him.
He didn't know until the elder Bhikshu pointed it out to him:
He had been within arm's reach of bowing to Manjushri himself!

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上一篇:72.始向东台拜香 Bowing to the East Peak of Wu Tai Mountain
下一篇:70.遍礼古迹名胜 Paying his respects to the ancient shrines
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 160.解冤说戒拜忏 Freeing a ghost, explain..
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 76.礼谢文殊下山 Bowing in gratitude to Ma..
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 38.镇江焦山大水 Meeting the Venerable Mas..
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