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79.长安礼诸祖塔 Paying reverence to the Patriarchs stupas in Chang An
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Paying reverence to the Patriarchs' stupas in Ch'ang An

The Master, who was now forty-six years of age, headed west and went through Ta Ch'ing (Great Celebration) Pass to Hsien Yang, where he saw the sweet pear tree where Duke Chao Pai had lived. Arriving at Ch'ang An, he saw the imposing wall which surrounds the city, and Ts'e En (Compassionate Kindness) Monastery within. He bowed to the Ta Yen (Great Wild Goose) Stupa and to the stupas of the Venerable Master Tu Shun and National Master Ch'ing Liang, both at Hua Yen Monastery. At Niu T'ou Flsing Kuo (Flourishing Country) Monasteries, he venerated the stupas of the Venerable Master Hsüan Chuang. He went on to Chung Nan and then Pai Shui Lang (White-water Waves), where in the past, two sagely Bhikshus had sequestered themselves.

The verse says:
Ancient Ch'ang An's historical sites are many and without end,
But the number of temples and pagodas there is even greater yet!
Chung Nan Mountain and the Eastern Peak of Wu T'ai Mountain are nearby. At the top of Drum Sound Hill begin reciting "Namo."

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上一篇:80.终南山大茅蓬 Staying in the large thatched hut on Chung Nan Mountain
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 吾有大患 为吾有身[栏目:慧光法师]
 净土大经科注 第四一七集[栏目:净土大经科注讲记·净空法师]



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