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77.至北岳朝名山 Visiting a famous mountain and going to the North Peak
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Visiting a famous mountain and going to the North Peak

The Master went south of Hun Yuan (Turbid Source) to Ta Ying (Great Camp) and visited the North Peak of Heng Shan (Eternal Mountain). At Hu Feng K'ou (Tiger Wind Mouth) Pass, he saw the stone which reads, "The First Mountain of the Northern Region." When he arrived at the temple, he visited the Stairway to the Clouds, which towered into the sky. There was a forest of stone memorial tablets. The Master descended after offering up incense. (Heng Shan is one of the Five Sacred Mountains. Not only is it a famous place well-known to the Chinese people, but it is renowned by people throughout the world who often come to see it.)

The verse says:
The North Peak of Heng Shan is known throughout the world.
The Master went to pay his respects at the holy sites.
The Stairway to the Clouds reaches for the sky truly a wondrous sight!
The forest of stone memorial tablets are awe inspiring indeed.

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上一篇:78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan to pass the new year
下一篇:76.礼谢文殊下山 Bowing in gratitude to Manjushri, then descending
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 宗义宝鬘浅释 第9讲[栏目:宗义宝鬘浅释]



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