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74.五台山大佛会 Joining the Great Buddha Assembly on Wu Tai Mountain
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Joining the Great Buddha Assembly on Wu T'ai Mountain

On the fifteenth, he returned to the monastery to take part in the assembly. By now, after three years, his vow to cross over his parents had been fulfilled. His vow had taken three years to complete. Despite the difficulties of sickness, wind, and rain, he had been able to become single-minded. He bowed and simply bore the hardships until they were gone. Every encounter was a test of his resolve. The more bitter it was, the more peaceful he became, and so he came to understand the ancient saying:

To rid oneself of one part of habit-energy is to gain a corresponding share of light.
To endure all afflictions and vexations is to realize Bodhi.

The verse says:
To free oneself of a share of one's habits is to gain corresponding light;
And to undergo all difficulties completes one's realization.
But one must personally put it all down.
So I'll give you a clue, it must be you for no one else will do.

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上一篇:75.大螺顶礼智慧灯 Paying his respects to the Wisdom Lamps on Ta Lo Mountain
下一篇:73.再循四台遍拜 Traversing the Four Peaks, he pays his respects
 128.皈依后念佛往生 After a cock takes refu..
 45.南京礼懒祖塔 Bowing to the stupa of Pa..
 162.举巨石服群众 Moving a boulder and win..
 17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave ..
 94.宝华山隆昌寺 Visiting Lung Chang Monas..
 57.留公过年再去 Being invited to pass the..
 56.对座谈心叙旧 Chatting about old times..
 156.忏悔皈依三宝 Helping the commander re..
 135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital ..
 78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan ..
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