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78.复回香山度岁 Returning to Hsiang Shan to pass the new year
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Returning to Hsiang Shan to pass the new year

When the Master arrived at P'ing Yang Prefecture, he visited the North and South Caves of the Immortals, as well as the Shrine of Emperor Yao in the southern part of the city. He then visited Kuan Kung's temple in Lu Village in P'u Chou Prefecture. Crossing the Yellow River and traveling on through T'ung Kuan (Tributary Pass), he went to Hua Yin (Shaded Flowers) in Shensi Province, where he visited the temples on the western peak of the mountain. He saw long ranges and deep gorges and at Lao Chün Li Kuo. He admired Pai Yi and Shu Ch'i and so he visited Shou Yang (Foremost Sun). Leaving Shou Yang he went to Hsiang Shan, where he saw the tomb of King Chuang. From there he proceeded to Kansu, saw K'ung Chuang Mountain, and then returned to Hsiang Shan to pass the New Year.

The verse says:
Emperor Yao gave up the throne to Shun in the distant past,
And the integrity of Kuan and Chang lives on after thousands of years,
For the people praised them as equal and fair. lofty and pure in heart.
King Chuang is still on Hsiang Shan roaming east and west.

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