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 120.嘉五台狮子岩 Staying in Lion Cavern at Chia Wu Tai Mountain 阅读:1560
 121.自耕自食自修 Personally ploughing, personally eating, and personally cultivating 阅读:1495
 122.行路中堕雪窟 Falling into a snow cavity while walking 阅读:1447
 123.入定半月已两年 Entering samadhi for two weeks in two years 阅读:1505
 124.厌酬答乃宵遁 Weary of visitors, leaving by night 阅读:1446
 125.缆断流急堕水 Falling into a swift current when a rope breaks 阅读:1803
 126.拒挂单宿戏台下 Bowing, being refused lodging, and spending the night under a stage 阅读:1583
 127.福兴寺公闭关 Going into seclusion at Fu Hsing Monastery 阅读:1621
 128.皈依后念佛往生 After a cock takes refuge, it is mindful of the Buddha, and goes off to rebirth 阅读:1635
 129.钵盂庵移巨石 Removing a huge rock at Po Yu Temple 阅读:1595
 130.路遇禅修苦修道 Meeting Dharma Master Chan Hsiu who cultivated austerities 阅读:1524
 131.对月论禅皆大笑 Discussing Chan in terms of the moon: both had a good laugh 阅读:1702
 132.为和尚念经施食 Reciting sutras and bestowing food upon a monk 阅读:1605
 133.弘法讲经槟城 Propagating the Dharma and explaining the sutras in Penang 阅读:1647
 134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to save the monasteries 阅读:1431
 135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital to join a group in petitioning the government 阅读:1836
 136.王公宰官护法 Receiving protection for the Dharma from princes, dukes, officials and the emperor 阅读:1902
 137.敕封佛慈洪法大师回山Being conferred the title -Vast Dharma of the Buddhas Compassion and returning to the … 阅读:1651
 138.戒源和尚妙老示寂 Venerating Venerable Miao, source of the precepts master, upon his entering the stillne… 阅读:1595
 139.洋人信佛供僧 Meeting a Westerner who believes in the Buddha and makes an offering to the Sangha 阅读:1640

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