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134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to save the monasteries
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Returning to China to save the monasteries

The Master received a telegram from the Yunnan Province Sangha Association, which said that the government was seizing monastery property. Dharma Master Chi Ch'an urged the Master to return to China where the problem could be collectively resolved. In the spring of 1906, the Master's sixty-seventh year, he departed for China. When the ship stopped at Taiwan, he visited Ling Ch'uan (Magic Spring) Monastery, and later in Japan, visited various Buddhist temples. At that time, communications between China and Japan were worsening, and members of the Sangha in both countries were forbidden freedom of movement. In the third lunar month, the Master returned to his country, arriving at Shanghai.

The gatha says:
The Venerable Miao returned to China and urged him to lecture Sutras.
The Dharma Flower and Medicine Master sutras he successively expounded clearly.
At Ling Shan (Magic Mountain) Temple in Kuala Lumpur, he explained the Lankavatara.
Altogether more than ten thousand people took refuge with the Master.

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上一篇:135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital to join a group in petitioning the government
下一篇:133.弘法讲经槟城 Propagating the Dharma and explaining the sutras in Penang
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