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139.洋人信佛供僧 Meeting a Westerner who believes in the Buddha and makes an offering to the Sangha
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Meeting a Westerner who believes in the Buddha and makes an offering to the Sangha

The Master proceeded on to Penang, Malaysia, with the Imperial Tripitaka, and the relics of the Venerable Miao. There were several thousand people who welcomed him upon arrival. During the ceremonies, when the food-transforming mantra was being recited, a whirlwind again arose, and multi-colored light was seen as before. The Venerable Master Miao had tied up conditions by establishing temples, and the profundity of his secret practices was inconceivable indeed. The Master expounded on the Heart Sutra, and then traveled by boat to Thailand. On board was an Englishman who spoke Chinese with the Master. The man turned out to be the British consul stationed in Yunnan Province. He contributed $3,000.

The gatha says:
Teaching and practicing in China and abroad, he also converted a Westerner,
Who gladly aided with his own contribution of three thousand dollars in silver.
If the Master's virtue had not been supreme, how could this event have happened?
His affinities and kindness extended to the birds and beasts as well.

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上一篇:140.寂然禅定九日 Being absorbed in dhyana samadhi for nine days
下一篇:138.戒源和尚妙老示寂 Venerating Venerable Miao, source of the precepts master, upon his entering the stillness
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