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129.钵盂庵移巨石 Removing a huge rock at Po Yu Temple
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Removing a huge rock at Po Yu14 Temple

Entreated by various protectors of the Dharma to end his seclusion and explain Sutras, the Master took part in many Dharma assemblies around Yunnan Province. After that, General Li Fu Hsing requested that the Master stay at Ch'ung Sheng (Honoring Sages) Monastery. The Master replied, "I have made a vow to set up a place on Chicken Foot Mountain to receive traveling Sanghans." The General thereupon ordered Pin Ch'uan to make a search. He found Po Yu (Bowl) Temple as a possible site where visiting Sanghans could be accommodated, but to the right of the temple was a large rock measuring eight feet tall and six feet wide. Since it was dominated by a white tiger15, it was quite inauspicious. The Master prayed to the Sangharama Spirits and led a group of bhikshus in moving the rock away.

The gatha says:
Over a hundred workers who were hired could not budge the rock.
The Master prayed to the Dharma-protecting Spirits to lend their power.
When the peculiar stone was moved away, everyone said, "How strange!"
His abundant virtue evoked a response - miraculous indeed!

14. "Bowl"
15. A term used in geomancy; see #121

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