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124.厌酬答乃宵遁 Weary of visitors, leaving by night
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Weary of visitors, leaving by night

After Dharma Master Fu and the others had left, bhikshus and laypeople from far and near began coming to call on and bow to the Master. He soon became weary of receiving so many visitors, and so one evening, shouldering his clothes bag, he left for the distant wilderness where there is not even one blade of grass. Initially he went to T'ai Pai (Great White) Mountain and lived in a chasm, but it wasn't long before Dharma Master Chieh Ch'en (Guarding Against the Dust) arrived, following the Master's footprints. They decided to go together on a pilgrimage to 0-Mei Mountain. There the Buddha lights which the Master saw did not differ from the ones he had seen on Chi Tsu (Chicken Foot) Mountain. At night he observed a brilliance as bright as ten thousand lamps, similar to what he had seen on Wu T'ai (Five Peaks) Mountain.

The gatha says:
In the Jeweled Palace paved with tin tiles,
 he bowed to the One Truly Worthy of Offerings.
The Master, whose age by now exceeded sixty years, had become a leading Sanghan.
As a well-known Advisor of the Ch'an School his learning and practice were complete.
He stayed happily there for a few days, and then was on his way.

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