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133.弘法讲经槟城 Propagating the Dharma and explaining the sutras in Penang
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Propagating the Dharma and explaining the sutras in Penang

The Master returned to the monastery with provisions. The precepts were transmitted, and the Dharma flourished. Later he contracted malaria, and at Liu Tung (Willow Cave), instructed Dharma Master Ting Ju (Still Suchness). Proceeding on to Burma, he was received by Upasaka Kao Wan Pang. After paying his respects to the Golden Stupa, he took passage to Penang by boat. Passing through the health inspection upon disembarking, all of the passengers were quarantined on a distant hill. Although everyone was subsequently released, the Master was left to die from the poisoned medicine he had been given. His life was saved by a native of Fukien Province. The Master then went to Chi Le (Ultimate Bliss) Monastery, where he recuperated, and lectured on the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra.

The gatha says:
The barbarious doctor harbored in his heart the poison of strong hatred;
Even when a patient had not yet died, he wanted to cut open his stomach.
But this Greatly Virtuous One the Buddha will protect,
So although the Master swallowed the poison, it was as if not there.

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上一篇:134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to save the monasteries
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