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120.嘉五台狮子岩 Staying in Lion Cavern at Chia Wu Tai Mountain
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Staying in Lion Cavern at Chia Wu T'ai Mountain

In the tenth lunar month, the Master climbed the Chung Nan Mountains to live in the wilds and stayed at the Lion Cavern of Chia Wu T'ai Mountain. The area was remote and still, and to avoid the annoyance of visitors, the Master changed his name to Hsu Yun (Empty Cloud). Since there was no water on the mountain, he melted snow to drink and gathered wild plants to eat. In the vicinity, Dharma Master Pen Ch'ang (Original Brilliance) was living on P'o Shih (Broken Rock) Mountain. Dharma Master Miao Lien (Wonderful Lotus) was dwelling at the Kuan Ti Temple. Dharma Master Tao Ming (Bright Way) was staying in Wu Hua (Five Flower) Cave. Also, Dharma Masters Miao Yuan (Wonderfully Complete), Hsiu Yuan (Complete Cultivation), and Ch'ing Shan (Blue Mountain), lived on different parts of the mountain in back.

The gatha says:
Ten thousand miles away, sequestered in Chung Nan, are the Worthy Sages,
While several hundreds of thousands of bhikshus in Ch'ang An gathered together.
The Master changed his name and took up residence in the Lion Cavern.
With single-minded concentration he practiced austerities and dhyana.

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