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126.拒挂单宿戏台下 Bowing, being refused lodging, and spending the night under a stage
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Bowing, being refused lodging, and spending the night under a stage

There was a temple a little ways from the street where only one bhikshu was dwelling, but he refused their request for lodging. They had to spend the night outdoors underneath a stage. The ground was damp and their clothes were wet. The freezing rain continued and the Master shivered. They purchased some straw from the monk in the temple, who gave them two wet bundles which wouldn't burn. The Master sat patiently with Dharma Master Chieh Ch'en until dawn, at which time they bought buckwheat groats to eat. The Master endured walking on his painful feet. still managing to make progress on their pilgrimage.

The gatha says:
Fire burning in the mountain emitted a red, glowing light.
The color of the Golden Sand river is a solid yellow.
The Great Bodhisattva Samantabhadra10 is very rare and wondrous,
And Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva's sagely relics were seen.

10. Universal Worthy

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