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123.入定半月已两年 Entering samadhi for two weeks in two years
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Entering samadhi for two weeks in two years

In the Master's sixty-second year, the Venerable Master Fa Jen (Dharma Patience) arrived with his following. He was soon involved in a civil suit, which he lost before returning south. All of this had something to do with the geomantic conditions of the area. The year was nearing its end. One day, while waiting for his taro to cook, Master Yun sat in the lotus posture and entered samadhi. The next year, Dharma Master Fu Ch'eng and others in neighboring huts were surprised to see that the Master had not come out to exchange New Year's greetings. They saw tiger tracks around his hut, and when they entered saw that the Master was in samadhi. Striking a small bell, they aroused him and politely asked if he had eaten yet.

The gatha says:
The cooking taro in the pot was already more than done.
When the pot was opened, the taro inside had grown an inch of mould!
He had been in samadhi for half a month. The others were taken aback.
Drinking snow and cooking taro, he was perfectly content.

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上一篇:124.厌酬答乃宵遁 Weary of visitors, leaving by night
下一篇:122.行路中堕雪窟 Falling into a snow cavity while walking
 21.典座 Serving as verger
 14.谈法度双妻 Speaking Dharma to cross o..
 143.槟城掩方便关 Expediently entering sec..
 176.三梦六祖来召 Seeing the Sixth Patriar..
 192.无畏精神挽教难 Rescuing the teaching w..
 19.勤劳种菜供僧 Tirelessly laboring to ra..
 10.看香山传发心出家 Reading the Story of In..
 03.同得奇异兆 Seeing the same rare porte..
 135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital ..
 55.老耆德林欢迎 Being received by the Eld..
全文 标题
 人生舞台 1995.4.1~1995.4.15[栏目:星云日记]
 与祖师同行 陆 当下即道场 管人管事有奥秘[栏目:与祖师同行·明一法师说公案]



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