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132.为和尚念经施食 Reciting sutras and bestowing food upon a monk
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Reciting sutras and bestowing food upon a monk

The Master then left for T'eng Ch'ung, where he stayed in the Hunan Provincial Association Hall. Before he could put down his bag, however, several mourners bowed and said, "We respectfully request that the Venerable Master recite Sutras for the deceased." The Master told them that he was not a monk who had come to recite Sutras. A mourner then said, "Surely you can recite Sutras for a fellow monk!" A man from the Association said. "The Venerable Master ought to go with them. These people are the grandsons of the Imperial Historian Wu, who was a beneficent man. Just before his death. he said that he wished to become a member of the Sangha. and that an eminent monk would soon arrive to rescue him."

The gatha says:
Reciting Sutras and bestowing food were rites well attended.
The entire town, officials and gentry, wished to become disciples.
They entreated him to stay in T'eng Yueh, but subscriptions were more important,
So in their joy, they happily pledge substantial contributions.

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