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131.对月论禅皆大笑 Discussing Chan in terms of the moon: both had a good laugh
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Discussing Ch'an in terms of the moon: both had a good laugh

Once, when the moonlit evening was as bright as day, the Master sat in meditation with crossed legs on a large rock. The monk silently approached from behind and shouted, "What are you doing here?!" The Master slowly opened his eyes, and unhurriedly replied "I'm looking at the moon." The monk then said, "Where is the moon?" The Master answered, "In its magnificent glowing light." The monk said:

Finding the pearls among fish eyes is difficult to do.
Do not mistake the rainbow for the spectrum of true light.

The Master then replied:

The light embraces the then thousand things but has no past or present.
Not defined by yin or yang, all obstructions are gone.

The gatha says:
This and that were strung through; the two of them shared a hearty laugh,
 and everything was penetrated.
Late at night, he asked the Master to return and take his rest.
Back at Gold Mountain, he attained the One - the place of true rest.
All day long he leveled the ground and did not boast of his work.

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