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121.自耕自食自修 Personally ploughing, personally eating, and personally cultivating
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Personally ploughing, personally eating, and personally cultivating

Dharma Master Ch'ing Shan (Blue Mountain) was a native of Hu Nan Province, and those in the mountains all respected him. Since he lived relatively close to the Master, they were naturally in contact. The Master planted his own vegetables. In the eighth lunar month of the following year, Dharma Masters Fu Ch'eng (Restored to Success), Yueh Hsia (Moon Mist), and Liao Ch'en (Finished with the Dust) arrived. They were all surprised and said to the Master, "We had no news of you for several years. We never expected that you'd be sleeping here!" The Master laughed and said, "Never mind about here; where is there?!" After a meal of taro, the Master joined the group and stayed at P'o Shih (Broken Rock) Mountain. It was said that Elder Master Fa Jen (Dharma Patience) had been troubled lately and wanted to come to the area.

The gatha says:
The Transformation City enticed Dharma Masters "Moon Mist" and Fu Ch'eng,
Who congregated on this stretch of green mountain area.
But the Master said it lacked support since it faced a white tiger9.
Quite adverse and not propitious - the result was just that way.

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上一篇:122.行路中堕雪窟 Falling into a snow cavity while walking
下一篇:120.嘉五台狮子岩 Staying in Lion Cavern at Chia Wu Tai Mountain
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