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当前栏目:[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey]文集

 讥笑 Being Ridiculed 阅读:1143
 无私 Cultivating Selflessness 阅读:1112
 皈依 Taking Refuge 阅读:1337
 寂寞 Feeling Lonesome 阅读:1110
 牧童 The Shepherd Boy 阅读:1294
 魅力 Magic Power 阅读:1201
 翱翔 To Soar 阅读:1087
 老尼 An Old Nun 阅读:1133
 无悔 Without Regret 阅读:1183
 法喜 Dharma Bliss 阅读:1172
 注意 Watch Out 阅读:1112
 乐悲 Optimism vs. Pessimism 阅读:1032
 狮堡 Lion’s Fortress 阅读:1106
 护法 Dharma Protectors 阅读:1362
 舍我 Banishing the Self 阅读:1269
 言行 Words and Conduct 阅读:1146
 山兔 Mountain Hare 阅读:1253
 掬水 A Palmful of Water 阅读:1122
 噩耗 Devastating News 阅读:1096
 二利 Two Benefits 阅读:1172

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