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山兔 Mountain Hare
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Mountain Hare


Tibetans usually praise the mountain hare as a bodhisattva. The native species here sports a white belly and somber black back, two big eyes, and a pair of big floppy ears. It has a very gentle and loving disposition.


A few months ago, one mountain hare decided to make its home in a pine tree in my yard and has become my new neighbor.


Every day while the sun is still snuggling in bed, my diligent neighbor has already filled its belly with grass laden with dewdrops and returned home to assume its “meditation.” It remains motionless all morning working with skill and ease on “looking at the essences” and “looking into the void,” just like an old yogi master.


The hare does not leave its “meditation cell” until it’s time to nibble tender grasses again in the afternoon. As we are getting along well, it has long considered me as one of its own kind and has not bothered to establish any protective measures. Even if I walk past its “meditation cell,” it will not blink an eye and could care less.


With a kind heart the hare never harms other beings. Compared with urban folks who ooze bloody odors from feasting on seafood or slurping live monkey brains, the hare lives a pure and unfettered life. How I love having it as a neighbor!


A song of realization says: “In the clear sky the moon shines alone; under the towering pine trees the mountain hare sits by itself; spiritual seeker in the deep forest, you will never be lonely….” How relaxed and carefree it is to be in solitude!


The sun lowers its curtain for the day; soon the nightly sky will take the stage. It’s time for the hare to return to its burrow, and for me to turn on the light to continue my daily homework.


29th of June, Year of RenWu
August 7, 2002

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