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当前栏目:[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey]文集

 美观 Good Looking 阅读:1161
 花祭 Farewell Flowers 阅读:1108
 诱惑 Lures and Temptations 阅读:1150
 纯金 Pure Gold 阅读:1217
 依静 In Solitude 阅读:1095
 恭敬 Faith and Devotion 阅读:1136
 尸骨 Carcass Remains 阅读:1069
 品味 Taste It 阅读:1161
 出家 Monastic Ordination 阅读:1126
 嗡嗡 Buzz Buzz 阅读:1163
 见师 Beholding the Guru 阅读:1183
 天葬 Sky Burial 阅读:1252
 舍众 Abandoning Beings 阅读:1095
 贫富 Rich or Poor 阅读:1117
 斗牛 On Bullfighting 阅读:1156
 眼识 Visual Perception 阅读:1076
 羚羊 Tibetan Antelope 阅读:1192
 故乡 Sweet Hometown 阅读:1183
 蜘蛛 A Spider 阅读:1105
 真贼 Real Burglar 阅读:1094

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