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当前栏目:[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey]文集

 旅途脚印 索达吉堪布-自序 Footprints on the Journey - AUTHOR’S FOREWORD 阅读:2179
 放生 Life Liberation 阅读:1744
 快修 Practice Immediately 阅读:1459
 生日 Master’s Birthday 阅读:1432
 护士 The Nurse 阅读:1461
 上网 Internet Surfing 阅读:1434
 闭关 On Retreat 阅读:1494
 少眠 Sleep Sparingly 阅读:1476
 看破 Becoming Disillusioned 阅读:1457
 政教 Religious Government 阅读:1429
 业感 Karmic Consequences 阅读:1513
 明天 Until Tomorrow 阅读:1510
 智悲 Wisdom and Compassion 阅读:2537
 精进 Be Diligent 阅读:1707
 勿贪 No Craving 阅读:1482
 忏悔 Purification Practice 阅读:1472
 内观 Reflecting Inward 阅读:1483
 生死 Life & Death 阅读:1590
 恐怖 Being Fearful 阅读:1410
 不知 Knowing Not 阅读:1455

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