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魅力 Magic Power
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Magic Power


A Dharma practitioner confided to me his recent experiences:


A while ago I was deeply besieged by all kinds of problems. With my insufficient training and heavy burden of obscurations, I responded with strong self-attachment. Even knowing well I was falling into a pit of my own digging, I had no way to extricate myself. My troubled emotions went haywire to the extent that I even contemplated committing suicide.


As a Buddhist, of course I knew too well that I should steer away from this track that leads nowhere but to an immense crevasse. I recall clearly that when Milarepa was about to kill himself, Lama Ngokpa restrained him and said: “The faculties and the senses of each of us are innately divine. If you die before your time, even by the transference of consciousness, you commit the sin of killing a Buddha.” Moreover, our mind is primordially pure; it is only the confused emotions prompted by external circumstances that cause us to suffer. How can I take the hallucinating appearance as real and true? Again and again, I tried to persuade myself. Yet as evil karma played out in an unstoppable way, the piercing pain that crushed me will never be forgotten.


Until one day, I dragged my heavy legs to the window and saw on the street crowds busily coming and going, all striving for food, clothes, fame, and money. Suddenly, I realized how lucky I have been! As their ignorance and feeble minds open up the throughway to lower realms, they are still totally oblivious of their calamities. In contrast, I have in my hand the supreme instruction for gaining liberation in this very life. Although I am not yet free from suffering, at least I can choose carefully what to do and what to avoid and thus minimize the causes of future sufferings; with one more step to recognize the true nature of suffering, I can say liberation is right there. My suffering really amounts to nothing when compared with those of many others who still face endless and unfathomable miseries. Repeatedly, in front of the Three Jewels, I pledged from the depths of my heart to liberate them. Now, if I cannot manage to break free from the queer trap of self-grasping, all my vows are but insipid lines of a play.


The only choice to rid myself of self-attachment that I know of is to pray to the teacher and the Three Jewels, to purify my defilement, and arouse bodhichitta. After working hard for a while, I finally found my way out of the dark abyss and, should similar obstacles arise again in the future, I believe I can handle them more skillfully. Making use of Buddha’s teachings, I am now out of the woods and have become more resilient. For me, a person who has been living a sheltered life, the whole episode is a life lesson teaching me the sufferings of samsara; by experiencing them personally, genuine renunciation has taken birth in me. Come to think of it, this realization would not have dawned on me had I not been plagued by problems in the first place. I thank the blessings of the Three Jewels that have rescued me from the pits of hindrances and pains, and that I have discovered the immense value of human life—to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. This, and only this, is the goal that I will be striving for life after life!


I feel deeply gratified after hearing his story that he has overcome difficulties with proper Dharma remedies. Whenever we are at our wits’ end about the entanglement of mundane affairs, it is high time to apply Buddha’s teachings as antidotes. This, then, is the magic power of the Dharma.


18th of June, Year of RenWu
July 27, 2002

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