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舍我 Banishing the Self
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Banishing the Self


I spent an hour’s time receiving visitors from various places and of different backgrounds. Many topics were touched upon but regrettably, almost all of them revolved around the single item of “I”—my problems, my family, my spiritual training, my teacher, my desire for liberation, my wish for accomplishment…. In short, that’s all there is.


Why can’t we escape from control of the “I”? From time without beginning, we have paid dearly for this singular “I.” It’s like an invisible lasso that binds us in self-confinement and intoxication; it makes us worry about personal gains and losses and never allows us a moment’s rest.


In Entering the Middle Way (Madhyamakavatara) it says:

Initially fixating on this so-called I as an existing self,
‘Mine’ gives rise to grasping.
Helpless beings, driven as an irrigation wheel….


Driven by habits from ignorance, sentient beings mistakenly take the composite “I” of the four elements as truly existing and arouse the attachment of “I” and “mine.” Grasping leads to afflictions, and afflictions to misdeeds, resulting in samsaric cycling with no end.


If “I” is getting the better of you, you should analyze its true face meticulously. You will see that both the physical body and the mind are illusory; they don’t have the tiniest bit of reality and are ineffable. Now that neither the body nor the mind truly exists, how on earth can troubled emotion arise from external influences? Meditating in this way, self-attachment will by itself diminish gradually. In the end, we will be able to eradicate completely the grasping to self and others and all afflictive emotions will vanish accordingly.


We are now sailing in the vast ocean toward liberation. Beware the submerged rock of “I,” lest we are forced to cast the heavy anchor and stall our ship of spiritual journey.


27th of June, Year of RenWu
August 5, 2002

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