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无私 Cultivating Selflessness
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Cultivating Selflessness


The urge to survive is a universal wish of all humans living under the same blue sky. The purpose of surviving, however, varies tremendously from person to person. For someone of high morals, to live means to benefit many other people; for common folks, it is for caring for themselves as well as their circles of family and friends; while for a small-minded person, he cherishes only self-interest and will spare no pain working day and night to achieve it.


Normally, for anyone to relinquish the selfish mind is a task next to impossible. This applies to people who are well learned, the smartest, the most knowledgeable, or even those who have studied extensively with many sages. From time without beginning, we have been living for our own interest only. This intractable habitual pattern can only be cast off by extreme tenacious effort on our part. That is, we have to start working in bits and pieces and persist onward with a resolve akin to wearing down a rock with drops of water.


The collection of Great Masters in the Himalaya Mountains tells a story: Little lama Tsondru practiced with his master. They ate only one meal a day at lunch, so lunchtime became his happiest hour of the day.


One day, his master told him: “We have an eminent old monk visiting us today; you should offer your own food to him.”


“I can’t do it! I get hungry too. Even if the visitor is a monk, he should not deprive me of my right to eat, and this tiny amount of food is the only meal I have for today.”


“You are not going to die from starving, let him have your food!”


“But I am very hungry myself!”


“You must!”


As it turned out, the young lama’s most-relished lunch became an enjoyment for someone else. But from then on, he learned to be unselfish and the practice of offering became an easy task for him, even if it meant giving away his much-cherished belongings. He finally came to see the thoughtfulness of his master in urging him to surrender his food. In giving up the possessions he clung to, he gained entry to the vast arena of selflessness.


Once, Buddha Shakyamuni met a little beggar who only said “I want it, I want it” all the time. The Buddha made the beggar say the words: “I do not want it, I do not want it” repeatedly and then rewarded him with food. In this way, the Buddha planted the seed of generosity in the beggar’s mind. For us, we should follow the old adage of “Do not fail to do any good deeds, no matter how insignificant they may seem.” Starting by letting go of one penny, one bowl of rice, or one yard of fabric, we will eventually be successful in eliminating our deep-rooted habit of selfishness.


14th of June, Year of RenWu
July 23, 2002

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