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乐悲 Optimism vs. Pessimism
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Optimism vs. Pessimism


A layperson recently called me and said: “Khenpo, I am feeling quite low these days. Everything looks downright gloomy to me. I am thinking of moving to a better place; perhaps it will help ease my pessimistic mood.”


What he said reminded me of a story: Once a father gave names to his two sons; one was called Optimism and the other Pessimism. The two sons grew up in the same environment, yet their temperaments were very different. Optimism was always merry under whatever difficult circumstances; Pessimism, on the other hand, always carried a heavy heart, even when everything was going smoothly. The father blamed himself for having unjustly named his sons and, in an attempt to make up with Pessimism, put Optimism in a pile of cow dung while placing Pessimism among many delightful things and fancy toys.


After a while the father went to check on his two sons. To his utter surprise, Optimism was having a fun time playing among the cow dung. He told his father: “Since you sent me here, I figured there must be something precious hiding among the dung, and I have been trying ways to find it.” Whereas to the father’s grave disappointment, he found Pessimism was sitting sadly among the collection of fancy items and had smashed many toys in bitter frustration.


The father finally came to see that there is no way to turn around someone’s mood by relying on external circumstances. The only way to change pessimism into optimism is by tuning one’s own mind.


Life is never perfect. According to Schopenhauer, happiness is simply a rare thing in the world, while suffering is real and plentiful. We’d better learn to look at miseries squarely and transform them into ways to achieve spiritual growth. Otherwise, we will forever blame external conditions and fantasize that by changing them, we can bring changes to our mood also. That is nothing short of an idiot’s daydream.


The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “The pleasure of life is according to the man who lives it, and not according to the work or the place.” External circumstances have no power to shift happiness or sadness. When we are confronted with misery, it is more meaningful to reflect on our own mind than to try to manipulate our surroundings.


24th of June, Year of RenWu
ugust 2, 2002

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