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二利 Two Benefits
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Two Benefits


For an ordinary person, the best and heartiest way to benefit others is the practice on bodhichitta of love and compassion. Once bodhichitta is generated and maintained in the heart, a rebirth in the three lower realms will be prevented. Even if the person inevitably falls into the lower realms because of past evil karma, its duration will be as short as it takes to snap the fingers.


A layperson once asked Dromtonpa: “Is the aspiration to uphold bodhichitta the direct or indirect cause to benefit beings?” Dromtonpa answered: “It is the best cause to benefit beings. One who embraces bodhichitta will not fall into the lower realms and will become a non-returner on the spiritual path. Even if specific heavy karma leads rebirth into the lower realms, one can still be liberated at the instant of recalling bodhichitta, the power of which will propel one to the higher realms of human and god.”


Many self-proclaimed practitioners of Mahayana may have performed outwardly activities of benefiting beings. But in fact they do so only to prevent themselves from taking rebirth in lower realms or merely to ensure their own achievement. At the beginning of a meditation session, he may go through the motions of arousing bodhichitta, but the driving force is the fear of being disqualified from Mahayana practice if arousing bodhichitta is missed. At the end of the session, he will also dedicate the merit to enlightenment, but it is only for securing his own merit, knowing that undedicated merit is destroyed by a single burst of anger. He only worries about wasting his good deeds or failing Buddhahood and the inevitable, endless sufferings. Practice done in this way is only a superficial Mahayana practice; it is no different from that of the Sravaka or Prakyabuddha.


We should not vainly attempt to usurp bodhichitta for personal gain; the result will definitely be just the opposite. It is exactly our excessive concern for ourselves that has caused us to cycle in samsara from time without beginning. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, on the other hand, have never thought about themselves, yet they attain the level of enlightenment. This proves that the so-called two benefits enhance each other; with selfish desires, not only is one unable to help others, but also one is hopeless to fulfill self-interest.


Therefore, before we perform any virtuous deed, do a little soul searching to check: what kind of bodhichitta are we trying to generate? Are we able to maintain a clear conscience? Do we really uphold the Bodhisattva’s Vow in our mind?

2nd of July, Year of RenWu
August 10, 2002


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 《金刚般若 研习报告》第九十二集[栏目:金刚般若研习报告·净空法师]



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