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 倾近于涅槃 Inclination to Nibbāna 阅读:1605
 摩罗迦子经的总结 A Summary of the Mālukyaputta Sutta 阅读:1492
 在看时未能观照色 Failure to Meditate on Form While Seeing 阅读:1491
 观照色,涅槃近前 Meditating on Form Brings Nibbāna Near 阅读:1498
 闻声之前 Sounds Not Heard Before 阅读:1430
 概念和究竟 Concept and Reality 阅读:1480
 难陀的故事 The Story of Nanda 阅读:1645
 观照声,涅槃近前 Meditating on Sound Brings Nibbāna Near 阅读:1590
 嗅香之前 Odours Not Smelled Before 阅读:1577
 在嗅时未能观照香 Failure to Meditate on Odour While Smelling 阅读:1473
 观照香,涅槃近前 Meditating on Odour Brings Nibbāna Near 阅读:1461
 尝味之前 Flavours Not Tasted Before 阅读:1424
 在尝时未能观照味 Failure to Meditate on Flavour While Tasting 阅读:1527
 观照味,涅槃近前 Meditating on Flavour Brings Nibbāna Near 阅读:1480
 法的认识 Realisation of the Dhamma 阅读:1602
 触触之前 Touches Not Touched Before 阅读:1538
 为什么不教导入出息念 Why Mindfulness of Respiration is Not Taught 阅读:1814
 观照腹部的运动 Meditation on Abdominal Movements 阅读:1553
 在触时未能观照触 Failure to Meditate on Contact While Touching 阅读:1477
 观照触,涅槃近前 Meditating on Contact Brings Nibbāna Near 阅读:1478

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