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闻声之前 Sounds Not Heard Before
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Sounds Not Heard Before


Now I will deal with the second question posed by the Buddha for Mālukyaputta to answer.


“What do you think, Mālukyaputta? There are certain sounds that you have never heard before, do not hear now, and do not hope to hear in the future. Could such objects arouse desire, lust, or affection in you?”


Mālukyaputta replied that no desire, lust, or affection could possible arise from sounds or voices that one had never heard before, did not hear now, nor imagined. This answer is right. On hearing a pleasant voice and cognising the individual making it, the hearer develops affection or attachment for the owner of the voice. As attachment is developed, defilements are brought into play and the consequences of suffering follow. If one meditates on hearing, defilements will be kept away. Remember what I said previously regarding the phenomenon of seeing.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

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