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在看时未能观照色 Failure to Meditate on Form While Seeing
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Failure to Meditate on Form While Seeing


 “Rūpam disvā sati mutthā, piyam nimittam manasi karoto.
Sārattacitto vedeti, tañca ajjhosa titthati.”

“Having seen a form one loses mindfulness. Getting involved in the attraction of it, one feels the onset of desire that tries to imbibe it.”


It is only human to get attracted to beautiful sense-objects.  You look at something because it gives you pleasure. At that moment you forget to practise the Dhamma. Even a meditator may be moved by pleasant visible objects, and attention may be perted from his or her noble aim. Those unaccustomed to meditation practice, may easily give themselves away to alluring visible objects. As soon as the concept of beauty overpowers them, they will forget about the Dhamma. Form, therefore, makes one forgetful or unmindful.


A pleasing smile makes an impression on the heart of one who sees it, and it is always a pleasure to recall it. One remembers it for days, months, or years. The mind is then taking in the form as if trying to ingest or imbibe it.


Here, I am speaking about the reaction to forms in general terms. Of course, there are occasions when one feels repugnant towards the object one sees. At other times, one may be indifferent. Whatever the case may be, the crux of the matter is that form generates various kinds of feelings such as pain, pleasure, greed, or anger, which give rise to kamma and its results as the round of suffering. Suffering as the result of forms is shown by the next stanza:


 “Tassa vaddhanti vedanā, anekā rūpasambhavā; Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca, cittamassūpahaññati. Evamācinato dukkham,  ārā nibbāna, vuccati.”

“A multitude of passions such as covetousness and rage, springing from form, torments one who takes a firm hold of it, with the result that his mind becomes burdened with vexation. Therefore, nibbāna remains remote from one who would rather carry the burden of suffering than practise meditation.”


All forms gives rise to feelings or passions. When an agreeable object is presented to anyone, he or she delights in it, which is pleasant feeling. When a repugnant object is presented, he or she feels miserable, which is unpleasant feeling. Such feelings are the cause of vexation, which torment him or her. If one sees a beautiful object, desire to possess it arises. One will get annoyed if one thinks that someone is thwarting one’s wishes to acquire it. Such mental dispositions are the product of greed and anger. They worry the unmindful person, who is forever busily engaged in malevolent activities against those who obstruct the fulfilment of his or her desires. Spurred on by greed and anger, he becomes exhausted in his or her efforts to counter the opposition of rivals and adversaries, whether real or imaginary.


(译注1:英译的用词是passion。kilesa:defilement;passion; lust; depravity; impurity.。中文一般译为烦恼,英文一般译为污染。“烦恼”的译法容易误解为局限于嗔根不善心,“污染”的译法容易误入玄虚的本体论题。真实的含义是指一切不善心。本人的处理方法是视上下文具体情境翻译为烦恼或染着。)

Most people live without mindfulness throughout their lives. It will be difficult for them to change and become mindful. One who cannot accept mindfulness accepts defilements, which bring about the cycle of suffering. In that case nibbāna remains far away.


Failure to meditate will deprive one of the knowledge of the three characteristics, inviting defilements to increase the miseries of life, just like adding fuel to a fire.


Below I summarise these points relating to form:


  1. Form engenders tender passions that send mindfulness to oblivion.
  2. The impassioned mind imbibes form.
  3. Form gives rise to feelings of pain and pleasure.
  4. Conditioned by greed, anger arises causing anxiety and worry.
  5. Whoever accepts conditions that create suffering, will always have suffering as a companion.
  6. The round of suffering keeps nibbāna remote.
  1. 色法造成微弱的染着,染着使正念忘失。
  2. 染着的心粘着色法。
  3. 色法引发痛苦的感受和快乐的感受。
  4. 贪婪为条件,恼怒生起,恼怒导致焦虑和苦恼。
  5. 任何人只要执取产生苦的有为法,将永远和苦为伴。
  6. 苦的轮转使涅槃停留在远方。

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