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嗅香之前 Odours Not Smelled Before
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Odours Not Smelled Before


The Buddha posed this third question for Mālukyaputta:


“What do you think, Mālukyaputta? There are certain odours that you have never smelled before, do not smell now, and do not hope to smell in the future. Could such odours arouse desire, lust, or affection in you?”


Mālukyaputta replied that it was impossible for desire, lust, or affection to arise regarding odours that one had never smelled, did not smell now, and did not hope to smell in the future.


As desire cannot develop from an unknown quantity, it is not necessary for a meditator to reflect on it, but those who fail to note odours and nose-consciousness will remain remote from nibbāna.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

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