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在嗅时未能观照香 Failure to Meditate on Odour While Smelling
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Failure to Meditate on Odour While Smelling


The Buddha, satisfied with Mālukyaputta’s answer, said, “Well said,” and uttered the four stanzas in the same manner as before.


“Gandham ghatvā sati mutthā,
piyam nimittam manasi karoto.
Sārattacitto vedeti, tañca ajjhossa titthati.”

“Having smelled an odour, one loses mindfulness. Getting involved in the attraction of it, one feels the onset of desire that tries to imbibe it.”


Meditators rarely enjoy fragrant odours. Mostly they have to endure disagreeable odours. So it is not unusual for them to long for fragrance. This is attachment, which makes one unmindful of the Dhamma.


“Tassa vaddhanti vedanā, anekā gandhasambhavā;
Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca, cittamassūpahaññati.
Evamācinato dukkham, ārā nibbāna vuccati.”

“A multitude of passions such as covetousness and rage, springing from odours, torments one who takes a firm hold of it, with the result that his mind becomes burdened with vexation. Therefore, nibbāna remains remote from one who would rather carry the burden of suffering than practise meditation.”


Here, as before, the emphasis is on the fact that failure to meditate keeps nibbāna remote.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

上一篇:观照香,涅盘近前 Meditating on Odour Brings Nibbāna Near
下一篇:嗅香之前 Odours Not Smelled Before
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