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在尝时未能观照味 Failure to Meditate on Flavour While Tasting
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Failure to Meditate on Flavour While Tasting


“Rasam bhotvā sati mutthā,
piyam nimittam manasi karoto.
Sārattacitto vedeti, tañca ajjhossa titthati.”

“Having tasted a flavour, one loses mindfulness. Getting involved in the attraction of it, one feels the onset of desire that tries to imbibe it.”


Few people ever meditate on eating and taste. Ordinary lay people are quite unaware of this meditation practice. Even learned persons do not pay heed to it, assuming that as one gets the flavour of food as it is taken, there is no need to note it with mindfulness. This amounts to irreverence to the teachings of insight meditation. Others go so far as to say that meditating on taste is a sheer waste of time. Eating, they say, should be done quickly so that more time can be devoted to meditation.


The majority of meditators are guilty of unmindfulness in eating. Once they fail to note the flavour as they take food, they lose mindfulness and become attached to it. That means they cherish the desire, and enjoy the pleasure of eating.


All food and comestibles are prepared to be delicious. When lay people offer food to the monks, they take special care to make the food appealing to the palate. This shows how much importance people give to flavour. I remember an observation made by a Sayādaw in Moulmein. He once taught one of his devotees that it was usual for monks to partake of food with mindfulness that disregards the flavour, as if what is delicious was repugnant. This drew a protest from the devotee who said, “Venerable sir! It is most improper that you should view the delicious dishes that I have prepared for you enjoyment as repugnant.” It was quite logical for him to say so, because food for the monks is usually prepared by donors so that the recipients could eat them with relish. Here, the preparation of delicious food is the responsibility of the donor, but monks should contemplate all food as repugnant so that defilements cannot overwhelm them.


The monastic training requires that monks eat, reflecting wisely. Unlike lay people, monks should take food, not for enjoyment, nor for indulgence, nor for physical development, nor for fattening, but just to maintain the body, for supporting the holy life, to quench the pains of hunger and thirst, so that they can effectively pursue the practice of meditation. If one can practise meditation on the repulsiveness of food (āhāre patikkūlasaññā), it is all the more commendable. Regarding this please see the Visuddhimagga [Vism. 341]. However, for our purposes it will be best to follow the method of Satipatthāna.

寺院的训练要求比库们吃时要智慧地省思。不像世俗人,比库进食,不是为了享受,不是为了满足,不是为了身体发育,不是为了长肥,只是为了支持神圣的修行,止息饥饿和口渴的痛苦,如此,他们才能有效地从事禅修的训练。如果你能修习食厌想(āhāre patikkūlasaññā),是更值得称赞的。关于食厌想,请看《清净道论》[Vism. 341]。不过,基于我们的目的,按照念处的方法来修习是最好的。

“Tassa vaddhanti vedanā, anekā rasasambhavā;
Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca, cittamassūpahaññati.
Evamācinato dukkham, ārā nibbāna vuccati.”

“A multitude of passions such as covetousness and rage, springing from flavours, torments one who takes a firm hold of it, with the result that his mind becomes burdened with vexation. Therefore, nibbāna remains remote from one who would rather carry the burden of suffering than practise meditation.”


No elaboration is needed beyond the fact that odour is here to be substituted by flavour.


There are three basic necessities of life - food, clothing, and shelter. The world is teeming with millions of hungry people. The search for food is a great burden to them. People go all out to get it. In the struggle for a living, some grab what they want by all means, whether fair or foul, and anger is aroused when they encounter competition or opposition from rivals for the same food. The result is trouble for everyone. All these troubles stem from the development of desire and attachment due to failing to meditate; in this case on taste. When one is overpowered by defilements, one becomes tormented by kamma and its results, which brings about the round of suffering.


Most people do not care to meditate when eating. It is habitual for them to be unmindful when eating, and this habit becomes hardened. In that case they are accumulating suffering, which burns like fire for many lives to come.


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