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观照声,涅盘近前 Meditating on Sound Brings Nibbāna Near
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Meditating on Sound Brings Nibbāna Near


“Na so rajjati saddesu, saddam sutvā patissato;
Virattacitto vedeti, tañca nājjhossa titthati.”

“Passion remains undeveloped in him who recollects with mindfulness the sound that he has heard. Thus freed from lust, he refuses to imbibe it.”


“Yathāssa sunato saddam, sevato cāpi vedanam;
Khīyati nopacīyati, evam so caratī sato.”

“Listening to an audible object, a meditator just hears it and just feels that he hears it, without conceptualising it. With this, suffering ceases. One who practises in this way is said to be near to nibbāna.”


These stanzas need no elucidation. What has been said about seeing applies with due alteration of details to hearing, and this also applies to the summaries given in the form of aphorisms.


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