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法的认识 Realisation of the Dhamma
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Realisation of the Dhamma


Many examples are cited in the Commentaries regarding the attainment of nibbāna as one meditates on eating. In Sri Lanka in former times, there were rest houses where monks on their daily rounds for alms could stop to eat. It was usual for them to have their early morning gruel there, and then set out for alms, returning to the same place for theirfull meal. Most of them practised insight meditation while eating and became Arahants. In those days this was the rule rather than the exception.


In the Commentary on the Puggalapaññatti, it says:


“Making strenuous efforts in insight meditation with implicit faith in it, an individual can realise the knowledge of the Path and its Fruition while walking, standing, sitting, lying down, taking light food or heavy meals. No instances exist where one fails to attain wisdom when one practices like this.”


So I urge you to note in detail the entire process of eating while you eat. If you are having your meals alone, this can be done quite easily. For each mouthful that you take, there may be about sixty things worth noting, and if you note them continuously, it may take you about an hour to finish your meal. If you have to eat with others, this may not be possible, but I urge you to try.


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