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在触时未能观照触 Failure to Meditate on Contact While Touching
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Failure to Meditate on Contact While Touching


“Phassam phussa sati mutthā,
piyam nimittam manasi karoto.
Sārattacitto vedeti, tañca ajjhossa titthati.”

“Having felt a touch, one loses mindfulness. Getting involved in the attraction of it, one feels the onset of desire that tries to imbibe it.”


Tactile sensations arise everywhere in the body. When a living body touches an inanimate object, sensations arise. When the limbs touch one another, the same happens. These are external sensations. There are also internal sensations, which often pass unnoticed. For instance, we are usually unaware of the fact that blood comes into contact with muscular tissues embedded in the body. Those unaccustomed to mindfulness cannot take full note of the external sensations, let alone the internal ones. So when you practise meditation casually, you are liable to be forgetful of the Dhamma, and will be aware of beauty when you see it. It is natural to hanker after pleasurable sense-objects; and when they are found you forget to note the arising and passing away of the aggregates. At times you may feel repugnant to disagreeable sights that you see or disturbing sounds that you hear. This also makes you forgetful of the Dhamma.


The five constituents of pleasure invite the defilements for unmindful persons. Their way of life is geared to the enjoyment of pleasure. When they sleep on soft beds, they feel comfortable. The latest fashions give them luxurious feelings of touch. Even when doing their daily exercise routine for health they are doing so delighting in the thought that it will contribute to sensual enjoyment and beauty. All these delights and pleasures are the product of their surroundings, which worship the five constituents of the senses. They generate defilements. Nibbāna remains remote from those with a liking for defilements. Hence the following stanza:


“Tassa vaddhanti vedanā, anekā phassasambhavā;
Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca, cittmassūpahaññati.
Evamācinato dukkham, ārā nibbāna vuccati.”

“A multitude of passions such as covetousness and rage, springing from contact, torments one who takes a firm hold of it, with the result that his mind becomes burdened with vexation. Therefore, nibbāna remains remote from one who would rather carry the burden of suffering than practise meditation.”


All that has been said about seeing, hearing, etc., applies to touching. What should be emphasised as before is the fact that by bowing to the wishes of the defilements one accumulates a mass of suffering, which keeps one remote from nibbāna.


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