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难陀的故事 The Story of Nanda
{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

The Story of Nanda


Prince Siddhattha and Prince Nanda were half-brothers; Siddhattha’s mother was Mahā Māyā, and Nanda’s was Mahā Pajāpati Gotamī. Their mothers were sisters, both married to King Suddhodana. When Mahā Māyā died seven days after the birth of Siddhattha, Mahā Pajāpati Gotamī left her own son in the care of royal wet-nurses, and brought up Siddhattha, breast-feeding him herself.

悉达多王子和难陀王子是同父异母兄弟;悉达多的母亲是Mahā Māyā,难陀的母亲是Mahā Pajāpati Gotamī。他们的母亲是姐妹,都嫁给了净饭王。悉达多出生七天后,Mahā Māyā去世了。Mahā Pajāpati Gotamī把亲生儿子交给了王室的奶妈照看,自己抚养悉达多,亲自给他哺乳。

Prince Siddhattha became the Buddha, and came to Rājagaha to spend the first Rains Retreat there. Three days after his arrival, King Suddhodana arranged a prenuptial feast for his second son, Prince Nanda, betrothed to Princess Janapada Kalyānī. As the Buddha was invited, he came to the palace where the meal was offered to him. When he was about to return to the monastery, he told Prince Nanda to take his (the Buddha’s) bowl, and follow him. In awe of his elder brother, Nanda did as he was told, expecting the Buddha to take his bowl and discharge him sooner or later. As he was about to leave the palace, Princess Janapada Kalyānī called out, “My Lord, come back soon!”

悉达多王子成为了佛陀,来到王舍城,在那里安度第一个雨安居。在他来后三天后,净饭王为他第二个儿子难陀安排结婚宴会,难陀和Princess Janapada Kalyānī订了婚。因为佛陀受了邀请,他来到了王宫提供他膳食的地方。佛陀将要返回寺院时,告诉难陀,带上他的钵,跟他走。出于对兄长的敬畏,难陀照佛陀说的去做了,以为佛陀迟早会拿走自己的钵,让他回去。在难陀将要离开王宫时,Princess Janapada Kalyānī大声地呼喊,“我的夫君,快回来!”

Once at the monastery, the Buddha asked his younger brother if he would become a monk. The prince had no mind to put on the robe, but being overwhelmed with awe he said, “yes.” So he was ordained, but he was not happy at all. One day he complained, “I am unhappy in this noble practice. I cannot stay any longer. I will revert to lay life.”


The Buddha knew of Nanda’s discontent, so asked him why he was unhappy. Nanda told him that Janapada Kalyānī’s words were ringing in his ears.

佛陀知道难陀的不满,问他为什么不快乐。难陀告诉他,Janapada Kalyānī的话语总在他耳朵边回响。

The Buddha took his younger brother by the hand and led him to a desolate place, recently burnt by a forest fire, and showed him a maimed old hag of a monkey sitting by a smouldering log. From there he took him to Tāvatimsā, and introduced the love-lorn prince to a bevy of five hundred deities. The Buddha asked Nanda who was more beautiful, Janapada or any one of the deities. Nanda replied, “Venerable sir, compared to these deities, Janapada is like that old monkey I saw previously.”


“Nanda,” said the Buddha, “remain as a bhikkhu. I promise you that you will win one of the beauties you can see now.” When they came back from Tāvatimsa, Nanda became diligent in the practice, hoping that one day he would get one of the deities.


Word went around the monastery that Nanda was practising the Dhamma with an eye to getting a beautiful deity for a wife. He was teased by his fellow monks as being like a daily wage-earner, or even a bonded slave, who worked for material benefits. He was mortified by these remarks. Secluding himself, he practised meditation with the utmost effort and determination until all his defilements had dried up. Finally, he won the Path and its Fruition, becoming an Arahant.


The lesson to be learned from this story is that if one is unable to note with mindfulness the sound that one hears, one tends to recall it again and again. Then it gets stuck in the mind. The mind imbibes all the feelings conjured up by craving.


“Tassa vaddhanti vedanā, anekā saddasambhavā;
Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca, cittamassūpahaññati.
Evamācinato dukkham, ārā nibbāna, vuccati.”

“A multitude of passions such as covetousness and rage, springing from sound, torments one who takes a firm hold of it, with the result that his mind becomes burdened with vexation. Therefore, nibbāna remains remote from one who would rather carry the burden of suffering than practise meditation.”


This needs no further elucidation as enough has been said about the attitude of mind on seeing, which may be substituted by hearing in the present context.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

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