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观照色,涅盘近前 Meditating on Form Brings Nibbāna Near
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Meditating on Form Brings Nibbāna Near 观照色,涅槃近前

The foregoing stanzas paint the dark side of the picture, but I shall also give the bright side of it.


“Na so rajjati rūpesu, rūpam disvā patissato;
Virattacitto vedeti, tañca nājjhossa titthati.”

“Passion remains undeveloped in him who recollects with mindfulness the form that he has seen. Thus freed from lust, he refuses to imbibe it.”


This stanza reveals the essence of insight meditation. It enjoins the meditator to note with mindfulness the object seen, and meditate on it. From this it is clear that insight meditation means noting the object one has actually seen, not an object one has not seen. It can be accomplished only through practical wisdom, and not through knowledge acquired from hearing what others say.


The Commentaries on the Theragāthā say that a meditator must try to note the eye-object perceived as it presents itself to eye-consciousness through the eye-door, being mindful of the four aspects of clear comprehension: knowing what is beneficial, what is proper, what is the objective, and with unconfused mindfulness.


Earlier I told you about the thought process relating to eye-consciousness. What I am talking about now is the same thing. If you fail to note the process of seeing just as it occurs, try to catch the first thought moment of mind-consciousness. One who can seize that moment and notice the absolute reality of form, may notice the dissolution of both the sense-object and the eye-consciousness at the moment of seeing. When one concentrates on the act of seeing without thinking over what one has seen, visual perception will last only for an instant. This agrees with the saying, “Ditthe ditthamattam bhavissati.” In that case, defilements will have no chance to assert themselves. In the absence of defilements, lust and craving subside.

先前我已经介绍了涉及眼识的心路过程。现在所讲的是相同的事情。如果你无法在看的过程(注,眼门心路过程)刚发生时注意到它,那就努力抓住第一个意识心路过程(注1)。能逮住那个瞬间并注意色法的人,可能会注意到在看的瞬间,感官对象和眼识两者的坏灭。当他专法于看的运作,不思考他所看的,色想(visual perception,视觉的感知)将会只持续一瞬间。这符合经句,“Ditthe ditthamattam bhavissati. 在你见时,你只见到它”。在那种情况,烦恼将找不到机会来宣告它们自己。没有了烦恼,贪爱和渴望平息了。


Desire stimulates feelings and passions, which beget craving (tanhā), by means of which one imbibes form. A non-meditator, although fully aware of seeing the object, fails to note it with mindfulness, and so permits craving to arise. However, a meditator does not conceptualise about what is seen, so there is no chance for desire or craving to arise, for the meditator is always mindful of dissolution. In this case, delusion is eliminated and wisdom arises. In the absence of defilements such as craving, kamma and its results as new becoming cannot arise, so the meditator will be liberated from suffering. This is emphasized in the next stanza:


“Yathāssa passato rūpam, sevato cāpi vedanam;
Khīyati nopacīyati, evam so caratī sato.
Evam apacinato dukkham, santike nibbāna vuccati.”

“Looking at a visible object, a meditator just sees it and just feels that he sees it, without conceptualising it. With this, suffering ceases. One who practises in this way is said to be near to nibbāna.”


As the meditator is not imbibing or conceptualising forms, which he or she notes with mindfulness, he or she is not inviting defilements, which bring about kamma and its results.


The Commentaries on the Theragāthā emphasise that “seeing the form” means seeing it with the strength of conviction that what one sees is impermanent. Eye-consciousness brings about sensations of seeing, which mind-consciousness takes to heart. The mind collects them and stores them up in the same way that a greedy person amasses wealth. The result is the upsurge of covetousness, one of the defilements on which kamma and its results depends. A meditator refuses to accept eye-consciousness and its consequences in this way. In other words a meditator abstains from imbibing defilements that lead to the round of suffering. Each time one meditates on the phenomenon of seeing, insight knowledge is developed. Each time insight knowledge is developed, defilements are discarded. So one is said to be enjoying tadanga nibbāna - momentary bliss obtained at the moment that defilements are discarded.


A meditator who is dwelling with the realities (paramattha), will gradually realise the insight knowledges stage by stage. He or she will proceed from analytical knowledge of mind and matter (nāmarūpa-pariccheda-ñāna) to knowledge of change of lineage (gotrabhū-ñāna) through adaptation knowledge (anuloma-ñāna). According to the sayings in the Patthāna, this will ultimately lead one to the Path and its Fruition. It should be noted that adaptation knowledge is the highest of the ten stages of insight knowledge. Aspirants to nibbāna must, therefore, engage themselves in insight meditation.


The following is a summary of the points discussed so far:


1. On noting forms with mindfulness, lust is eliminated.
2. In the absence of lust or desire, the mind refuses to imbibe forms.
3. Note as soon as you see, and be conscious just of seeing.
4. If one meditates in that way, the round of suffering will cease.
5. This is the way for meditators to practise.
6. On the cessation of suffering, nibbāna will come into view.

1. 正念地注意色法,贪爱就能清除。
2. 没有了贪爱或欲念,心就不再粘着色法。
3. 看到时立即注意,仅仅觉知看。
4. 如果用这种方式观照,苦的轮转将会停止。
5. 这就是禅修者实践的方法。
6. 苦息灭后,将看到涅槃。

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