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概念和究竟 Concept and Reality
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Concept and Reality


What has been discussed earlier about the thought process relating to eye-consciousness applies with due alteration of details to ear-consciousness, so I give only the gist of the process relating to ear-consciousness.


When a sound enters the ear-door we say that a sound is heard. This is the first thought process relating to ear-consciousness. Then mind-consciousness investigates the nature of the sound heard. This is the first thought process relating to mind-consciousness. In the second thought process of mind-consciousness the name suggested by sound is cognised. In the next thought process, the name given to the sound is apprehended.







As an object makes a sound, the ear just hears it. If you note this with mindfulness, without going beyond the hearing, you call a halt to the process of hearing. The stream of consciousness stops flowing there and then. However, if you are unmindful, mental formations and activities will be brought into play. You may remember the sound that you hear and think over it. That means that the stream of mind-consciousness has taken over. Even then, the process of mind-consciousness is only aware of the sound, and concept has not yet been formed. If you can note this with mindfulness, apperception ends here, stopping at the stage of the abstract idea of the sound. If you fail to interrupt further mental activities, the next process of mind-consciousness will interpret the concept of the individual making the sound, and the next process will distinguish the sex of the individual. This will be followed by the development of affinity or repulsion. This is how the thought process stirs up defilements. So it is imperative to meditate on hearing just as you hear. I have summarised these statements as follows:


If you fail to note the phenomenon with mindfulness, you end up with conceptual knowledge.

To obtain knowledge of the ultimate realities, the following should be borne in mind.

Note with mindfulness the instant that you hear. (Note as soon as the process of ear-consciousness occurs or, failing that, note as soon as the process of mind-consciousness occurs).

Interrupt the flow of the process of thought at hearing. (If you can do this, the second process of mind-consciousness cannot arise). This is in accordance with the saying, “Sute sutamattam bhavissati.”

Then you can distinguish mind from matter. (What you hear is matter at work. When you are noting, mind is at work. Mind and matter are thus distinguished. Both the hearing and the noting appear only to disappear at the next instant.)

Finally, you will recognise the three characteristics of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self.





打断在听时的心路过程的流(如果能做到这点,意识的第二个过程就不会生起)。这和经文一致,“Sute sutamattam bhavissati. 在你闻时,你只闻到它”




Failure to Meditate on Sound While Hearing


“Saddam sutvā sati mutthā,
piyam nimittam manasi karoto;
Sārattacitto vedeti, tañca ajjhossa titthati.”

“Having heard a sound, one loses mindfulness. Getting involved in the attraction of it, one feels the onset of desire that tries to imbibe it.”


When a sound presents itself at the ear-door, the hearer tries to appreciate it, generally expecting it to be sweet and agreeable, which tends to induce unwholesome thoughts, speech, and actions. While paying attention to the sound, one loses mindfulness, and desire arises if it is a pleasant sound. The hearer takes in what is heard as if ingesting or imbibing it. Whenever the hearer recalls it, desire arises and torments him or her repeatedly. The story of Prince Nanda illustrates this point.


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