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尝味之前 Flavours Not Tasted Before
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Flavours Not Tasted Before


The Buddha posed the next question for Mālukyaputta.


“What do you think, Mālukyaputta? There are certain flavours that you have never tasted-before, do not taste now, and do not hope to taste in the future. Could such flavours arouse desire, lust, or affection in you?”


Let me refer in passing to the human weakness for the pleasures of taste. Those who have never tasted fruits and cakes from other countries have no desire to for them, since they have never enjoyed them, but people who have tasted them, develop a craving for them. In the scriptures there are instances of people losing their lives to satisfy their palates. Defilements can be dispelled if one meditates on tasting, noting the instant when taste occurs.


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