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观照触,涅盘近前 Meditating on Contact Brings Nibbāna Near
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Meditating on Contact Brings Nibbāna Near


“Na so rajjati phassesu, phassam phussa patissato;
Virattacitto vedeti, tañca nājjhossa titthati.”

“Passion remains undeveloped in him who recollects with mindfulness the contact that he has felt. Thus freed from lust, he refuses to imbibe it.”


While meditating on standing, you may feel tired or stiff, painful or itchy. When these unpleasant sensations appear you must concentrate on the source of discomfort and note the nature of the tiredness, pain, etc. As you are contemplating on feelings, this is vedanānupassanā. When you note heat, you are contemplating the element of heat (tejo), and when you touch a hard or rough surface you are noting the earth element (pathavī). At times you may feel that the element of motion merges with the element of heat. You should note this also. You should note every physical action: bending or stretching your arms or legs, tilting your head backwards or forwards, opening or shutting your eyes, or blinking. As you dress, wash, or take a shower, there may be many kinds of movements. Even when you urinate or evacuate your bowels, you must not forget to note the manifestation of the element of motion. With practice, you may even be able to note speaking when you speak.


Our injunction to note the rising and falling of the abdomen is helpful for beginners in meditation. If one likes, one may take up noting the respiration, but in our experience those who began by noting the respiration ended up with contemplating the abdominal movements, and realised the Dhamma. We instruct meditators who have developed their concentration to extend the practice to noting everything occurring at the six sense-doors. When lust is abandoned through this practice of mindfulness, you will have no desire to grasp at tactile sensation, or to indulge in it.


“Yathāssa phusato phassam, sevato cāpi vedanam;
Khīyati nopacīyati, evam so caratī sato.”

“On touching a contact, a meditator just touches it and just feels that he touches it, without conceptualising it. With this, suffering ceases. One who practises in this way is said to be near to nibbāna.”


What has been discussed before regarding the other senses applies in this case too.


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