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当前栏目:[一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students]文集

 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma For Students: answers to questions a non-Buddhist is likely to ask about the fun… 阅读:9003
 佛陀教导什么?What subject did the Buddha teach? 阅读:2339
 佛陀有什么特别的教导?What did he teach in particular? 阅读:2049
 佛教中最简要的根本思想是什么?Put as briefly as possible, what is the basic message of Buddhism? 阅读:2242
 如何修习不执着?How is this non-grasping and non-clinging to be put into practice? 阅读:2294
 可以去哪儿学习?可以到哪儿研究?Where can one learn, where can one study? 阅读:1891
 可以用什么比喻‘法’?To what may the Dhamma be compared? 阅读:1984
 在家人应该学习什么?What should a lay person study? 阅读:2110
 什么是‘不死之法’?What is the amatadhamma? 阅读:2276
 佛陀最常强调的教示是什么?Which aspect of the teaching...Buddha stress most of all? 阅读:1948
 佛陀教我们应该相信谁?Whom did the Buddha teach that we should believe? 阅读:1938
 怎样可以看出凡夫和真正佛弟子的心境有何高低之别?How do the minds of an ordinary lay person and a true Buddhist differ? 阅读:2277
 由修行构成的‘道’中...又快又短的捷径?Which way...the shortest and quickest path? 阅读:1817
 佛教所说的‘业’是怎么回事?What role does kamma play in Buddhism? 阅读:1990
 一定得听闻佛陀的法或佛陀亲口说的法,才能止息痛苦吗?Would a person ...end to suffering? 阅读:1891
 对某个教法,若生起是佛说或非佛说的怀疑时,我们应如何解决这个问题?If doubt...How can we settle the matter? 阅读:1957
 佛陀如何描述后代的人?What did the Buddha say people would be like in succeeding ages? 阅读:1843
 佛陀礼敬谁?To whom did the Buddha pay homage? 阅读:1894
 哪里能找到佛陀?Where can we find the Buddha? 阅读:1891
 此刻佛陀是否存在?Does the Buddha exist at this moment or not? 阅读:1809

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