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佛陀礼敬谁?To whom did the Buddha pay homage?
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18) Now we shall say something about the Buddha. The question has been asked,

18) “To whom did the Buddha pay homage?”


THE BUDDHA’S OWN answer was that he paid homage to the Dhamma and he paid homage to a Sangha community with exemplary qualities. A Sangha community who conduct themselves well and practise properly can be said to possess exemplary qualities. So the Buddha respected the Dhamma and a Sangha community of exemplary qualities. We ought to give thought to the fact that even the Buddha himself paid homage to the Dhamma, and if all the members of a community of bhikkhus conducted themselves well and behaved properly as a group, the Buddha paid homage to them as well.


This can be applied to behaviour at the present time, in our own country Thailand or anywhere in the world. This means we ought to respect the Dhamma. If even the most exalted person paid respect to the training rules and communities that practised well, surely so should we.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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